About Us

a large truck driving down a dirt road

Through the years, the need for water in our homes and on our ranches remain the same.  Whether you are a homeowner, rancher, or run a commercial business, one thing is for certain, you cannot do without water!

In a community like ours, having a dependable water system is a must.  It is our commitment to you, that we fight to help preserve your right to water here in West Texas.

Arrowhead Drilling & Well Service LLC is a family owned business in Alpine, Texas.  We take pride in our community here in West Texas and strive to help make it a better place.   Our main office is located in the heart of Brewster County.

At Arrowhead, we come from a long line of water well experts, 3 generations to be exact. Our family has been in the water well industry for more than six decades. During that time, we have partnered with ranchers, farmers, livestock owners, residential home owners, gardeners, horse owners, and have met the water needs for improved property, provided infostructure for commercial property, and rig supply. Ranchers and homeowners make up a large portion of our customer base. Our head office is located in the beautiful city of Alpine, Texas, located in Brewster County, but we serve a large area here in West Texas including Jeff Davis County, Presidio County, Terrell County, Pecos County, Hudspeth County, and Culberson County.

We are a company that is passionate about individualized service. Almost our entire customer base is based on referrals. We aim to give all of our valued customers individualized products and services that can help them accomplish their goals with ease, efficiency, and confidence.

We have a team of licensed professionals who can help diagnose your system and advise you on all of your available options.

Locations We Serve

Jeff Davis County
Presidio County
Terrell County
Middle Pecos County
Crockett County
Culberson County
Reeves County